Monday, May 25, 2009

Dear Chloe,

Hi Sweetie!  It's been a while since I've written, and you're changing so much every day.  You have 5 teeth now, and I'm pretty sure you're working on another one.  You seem to be suffering with allergies, so you've had a bit of hard time lately.  Nothing really gets you down, though - so you're still enjoying every day!

In the past month or so, you have become a world class explorer!  You love exploring in the kitchen.  I'm having a really hard time keeping everything in it's place.  Daddy needs to get some cupboard locks in place...  It never fails, you leave all of your toys in the living room and you would rather play with tupperware bowls and measuring cups.  Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.

Speaking of floating your boat...  You are now taking baths in the big girl bathtub!  You barely fit in the sink anymore.  You love the water and you really love to splash!  You open your mouth as wide as it will go and splash like a wild woman!  It's so cute.  Messy, but cute!  

You are walking really well, and actually do more running than walking.  Especially when you get ahold of something you're not supposed to have.  Like the remote.  You're favorite... You take off with me in hot pursuit.  It's never a dull moment around here, Chloe.

Grandma Ketchum and I took you to the park for the first time a few weeks ago.  You had a great time swinging and going down the slide.  I didn't know what you would think of either of those, but you are not easily frightened, so you loved it!  You like to be pushed on the swings and you even say "Wee!"

You've been "talking" a lot more.  You definitely say hi a lot, and momma. I think you say dogs, and even try to say Kay Kay and Sid. (You love those dogs and they have really come round were you're concerned.  I'm pleasantly surprised.)  I'm working on teaching you to say up, down, drink, and please.  Right now, you mostly talk a bunch of nonsense, but it won't be long!

You have been playing Monkey See, Monkey Do quite a bit.  I've taught you to put your hands on your head, and it's so cute!  We're working on learning to touch your nose, but you can't seem to find it too easily.  You're trying, though!  The other night, dad was sitting at the table with his hands clasped behind his head and you put your hands on your head!  Then he slapped his hands on the table and you did too!  Then he made quite a game of it and you played right along.  Hand on head, table, nose.  It was really funny.  You are quite the character, little miss!

We've been hanging out over at Benji and Ian's since they recently had a baby sister, Joy.  You really like the boys and they like you, too!  They love to hug you.  You love finding all of there bugs and cars, and they like pushing you in your stroller.  It's great practice for when baby Joy gets bigger.

Speaking of hugging, you've been doing the cutest thing!  When you give hugs, you say "aw..." it's so incredibly cute.   You hug everything in sight!  Us, the dogs, your toys...  You even hugged the vacuum cleaner the other day!  Complete with an "aw..."

One day, sort of out of the blue, you really seemed to love the little beanie elephant that Aunt Les gave you last year.  It's really soft and you love to hug it.  You've started sleeping with a really soft blanket the grandma Ketchum got for you and you love to hug that too!  I read somewhere that babies that suck their thumbs also love soft things.  I guess that explains why you always nuzzled your fleece sleeve on your jammies!  So very cute...  So now, anytime there is a soft blanket or stuffed animal near you, you like to slam your head down on it and nuzzle it and say "aw..." 

I told you you were a character...

We love you, Chloe.  You are such a good girl.  You are smart and sweet.  You are tenacious and tender.  You are cute and cuddly.

Like I always tell you, you are my favorite baby!


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