Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dear Chloe,

Let me start by saying that you are a such an amazing blessing to your daddy and mommy. We love you so much, Chlo Chlo. You're such a good girl. We thank God for you.

Every Sunday, when we pick you up from the nursery at church, they always say that you were a really good girl. You always play, smile, laugh, talk and just generally entertain and bless those who are around you. It makes us so happy that you love church. You've loved it since the very first day we took you! You were about 4 months old when we first started attending church at the Freedom Center in Fenton. I would wear you in the carrier, and you would look around, enjoy the music, and usually sleep during the sermon portion of the service. Probably around 6 months of age, you started wanting to talk during the service, and a couple of times, I had to practically sprint out of the auditorium! I think you were startled awake during the invitation one time, so we had to make a break for it! Not exactly the best time for a hooting baby... At that point, we started putting you in the nursery, and have been doing so ever since. You absolutely love it. Often times, we are there during your nap time - but you prefer to play and socialize. It makes Sundays a little more difficult, but we are just so thankful that you behave at church and enjoy the socialization so much. All of the nursery workers are absolutely wonderful and adore you!

On another note, you are trying real hard to cut your first teeth. You woke up at around, 1:00 last night and were pretty upset. Thankfully, I had already gotten a couple of hours of sleep, so once I shook off being startled awake, we just hung out, played with Elmo, watched some TV, and attempted to go back to sleep a couple of times, to no avail... Finally, around 4:30 you had an early breakfast and went to sleep. You slept through until 9:30 and then we got ready for church. Somehow, you still managed to get a glowing report at church, despite the fact that you must be so exauhsted. You're napping right now, so hopefully tonight will be better.

A couple of weeks ago, you had a slight throat issue, and that was really our first experience with really tough nights. You have always been a GREAT sleeper! I'll sing the praises of Babywise to anyone who will listen! I know that has had a huge impact on your excellent sleep patterns. I praise God for He is the giver of all good gifts, and a baby that sleeps like you do is a wonderful gift. I also know that with me as your mommy and daddy as your daddy - you were destined to need and love your sleep! Getting back to a few weeks ago... You were obviously in a lot of pain, and *now* we know you had a slight throat infection. We had a couple of really rough nights, but even in that we were so thankful that you were 8 months old and we were experiencing it for the first time. I had a new understanding and appreciation of the life of a mommy with a colicky baby. Not fun! We got through it, and you quickly returned to your more predictable patterns, and life was better. I know we're in for a long haul, as you begin cutting a mouthful of teeth. I pray that God continues to pour out His grace and mercy on all of us. It is only by His strength that we get through those frustrating times.

Christmas was really fun this year, and I know that it will only get better as you grow. You got more toys than you could ever possibly play with! A great problem for a kid to have, I suppose. :) I look forward to building a lot of rich tradtion into our family holidays, and I can't wait until you are old enough to understand more so we can celebrate Jesus' birthday first and foremost!

You're getting pretty good at crawling, and I think you'll be pulling yourself up pretty soon. Daddy stands you up to the couch or ottoman and you are able to stand there for quite a while. You are very strong! You are saying a lot of stuff, though it still mostly sounds like dadada... :) I'm trying to teach you sign language, but you seem a little confused. You know milk really well, and you know the sign for more, but you mostly use it when you're all done. We will keep practicing!

In the future, I hope to make these letters more frequent and a little shorter. Right now, I have a lot of things I want to document from the past 9 months, so bear with me, girly girl! I really want to remember all the fun we have had and are having! I don't want to leave anything out.

I love you, my sweet Chloe.


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