Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear Chloe,

Hi Tootsie. I really need to write more often. I can never remember what I've already told you, so forgive me if I repeat myself.

It has been one interesting month, and between you, daddy and myself - we've had our fair share of sickness, sleepless nights, and more than a little grouchiness. I think we're on our way out of the fog, and boy I hope so! I look forward to resuming our old schedule and settling back in to our regular happy life. As always, difficult times remind us of how good things usually are. We have had it very easy with you, more often than not!

One of the issues we've been dealing with is teething. You finally got your first tooth! It's a cute one, not that that surprises any of us. Everything about you is cute, Chloe. I discovered your first tooth by accident. It was kind of a funny story.

We were upstairs and you were finally showing an interest in the rocking horse that Grandma and Grandpa Ketchum got you for Christmas. The first several times we put you on it, you were scared, cried and wanted off! This particular day, you had crawled over to it and we were petting it and telling it "Nice horsey." Which is about the most you wanted to do with it. You seemed pretty interested, so I put you on. You started rocking and bouncing and really seemed to be enjoying it. I helped bounce you more and sang the little race horse song. You smiled so big! You were at the perfect height for me to see into your mouth and what did I see but a little tiny tooth popping through your bottom gums! I was pretty shocked! What with being sick, not wanting to eat and having sleep issues, I was completely distracted from any thoughts of teeth! The day I first saw it was Monday January 26th. You were two weeks shy of being 10 months old. I think by most standards that's kind of late to be getting your first tooth. I suspect that you will be getting several more, rather quickly!

You have been playing independently really well again, since feeling better. You have also been practicing your walking skills. The little ride/walk mobile that we got you for Christmas has a been a lot of fun for you. You can ride it or push it and walk with it. You have been pushing it and taking several steps. We don't leave your side when you're practicing, since you don't have very good balance yet, but you are on your way. It's so hard to believe you are now 10 months old and are so close to walking. It seems like only yesterday you were born. I suppose, it may always seem that way to daddy and me.

I look forward to all of your firsts. I'm so thankful to be home with you everyday, so I don't have to miss any of it!

I love you so much Chloe. You are the best daughter we could have ever asked for!

All my love,

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