Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear Chloe,

Hi Sweetie!

So much has changed since I last wrote to you...  You are changing so quickly.  You are getting so big.  Your personality has really developed and you have mastered (or are working on mastering) a lot of new skills!

We've also had some firsts!  Yesterday, we took you to the zoo for the very first time.  We all had a great time, but you really LOVED it!  It was so much fun watching you feed the goats, talk to the birds and run all over.  You rode in the stroller some, but you really wanted to be on the go on your feet, exploring for yourself.  We got there just in time to see the goats anticipating their breakfast and they were going berserk!  You would have thought they hadn't eaten in weeks!  It was hilarious.  The Macaws were also very talkative, and you thought that was pretty cool.  We also had a chance to feed the black bears a piece of candy.  That was pretty cool.

The birds are not the only ones talking these days, Chloe.  You are really starting to say a lot of things.  You say ball, hat, book, duck, down, hi, dog, dad, nose, eye, cheese, and bread.  I'm probably forgetting something....  Oh you also say shoes.  Very cute.  You are also telling what a cow says, "mmmmm", what a duck says, "k k k", and what a duck says, "BAAAAAA!!!!" You have been making a funny noise that sounds like nonsense, but I recently discovered that it isn't. You seem to have gotten the song that Elmo sings confused with his name, because the other day at Meijer you were making your funny noise and pointing at an Elmo balloon.  I realized that you are saying Elmo.  It sounds more like Lalala, but you always say it when you see Elmo, so I think that's what it is. Whatever it is, it's cute!  OH!  You've also been saying Oh, Me!  It's so funny.  If you're trying to do something and can't, you say Oh, Me!  It's almost like it's your version of cussing.  It totally cracks me up...

You also know how to put your hands on your head, touch your nose, eyes and mouth.  You know where your belly is and where your knees are.  Smart girl, little Miss.

You have also been jumping for awhile.  It is the cutest darn thing.  You barely get both of your feet off the ground, but it's not for lack of trying.  You really put a lot of effort into it.  It's adorable!

You still love to play with your toys.  It's so amazing to watch you learn.  You catch onto things so quickly.  You are using your shape sorter, and can do almost all of the shapes.  You love to play pretend tea party, and I can't wait until you're big enough to do real tea parties!  We will have so much fun with that!

You can climb up on your horsey all by yourself, now.  I'm sure there are a lot of other things I should add, but it's impossible to remember everything!

I love you, Miss!

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